Monarch's Way - An Introduction to a 625 mile footpath
Monarch's Way 625 miles

Monarch's Way - An Introduction to a 625 mile footpath

Monarch's Way T shirts and Hoodies

Monarch's Way Guide Books & Badges

Maps & Postcards of the Monarch's Way

Cotswolds Guide Books & Maps of the Monarch's Way

Trevor's Memorial Bench

Fastest Known Time

Contact Page

Warwickshire - The Monarch's Way

Monarch's Way in Poetry

Janet's Book 1 Walking Blog

 Route changes in book 1

Route changes in Book 2

Route changes in Book 3

"PRICES SLASHED" Satmap Digital mapping of The Monarch's Way

"New" Minder Opportunities

 Temporary Amendments to The Monarch's Way

Monarch's Way Hall of Fame

Places to Visit along The Monarch's Way

Favourite Links

Walks Around The Monarch's Way

Bird News along The Monarch's Way

Amanda's Charity Walk Ham Hill to West Bay

Oak Apple Day 29th May 2012 Guildhall Worcester

'Bulletin Bytes'

The Monarch's Way in 47 days

Changes to the Route of the Monarch's Way

Minder's at work along the Monarch's Way

Trevor Antill ACIB

Trevor's Boot Relay Pictures

Trevor's Boot Relay Pictures part 2

Trevor's Boot Relay Pictures part 3

Trevor's Boot Relay Pictures part 4

Trevor's Boot Relay Pictures part 4A

Trevor's Boot Relay part 5 Book 2

Trevor's Boot Relay part 6

Trevor's Boot Relay part 7

The Monarch's way Relay part 8 (updated)

The Monarch's Way Relay part 9

The Celebration into Charmouth-Trevor's Boot Relay part 10

The Monarch's Way Relay part 11 Book 3

The Monarch's Way Relay Part 12

The Monarch's Way Relay part 13

King Charles II

The Monarch's Way Relay part 14

Photo Page 3

Trevor's Boot Relay "Shoreham"


Favorite Links Page


Please support the work of the Monarch's Way in maintaining the route by making a much appreciated donation towards the cost of upkeep.

Funding is solely by sales of Guide Books & other Monarch's Way items. The Organisation is non profit making. None of the over 150 volunteers receive any payments or expenses of any kind


Please use the link for donations :


 Welcome to one of the most exciting stories about a Monarch King Charles II and one of the best and varied, 625 mile plus long walk in British History.


Please make contact through the email address: 

About Sales of the 3 Monarch's Way Guide Books (Always Plenty in Stock) and any other enquiries about The Monarch's Way. Please report any problems you my find while walking the route.


We now have a Twitter account @monarchsway

So please log in for up to date information and pictures along the 625 mile plus Monarch's Way.


As would have been Trevor's wish, the work on the Monarch's Way continues through the team of over 150 Minders and Association members. The ultimate aim is to see the Monarch's Way designated as a National Trail. Caring for the route and promoting it will be a fit testimonial to Trevor.


Please check the:

Temporary Amendments to The Monarch's Way Page


Also the Route Changes pages for Books 1,2 & 3

This ensures that you have the most up to date route information when you set out on your Monarch's Way adventure.

The Story

The escape of King Charles II after the Battle of Worcester in 1651.

With a £1000 bounty on his head the King spent 42 perilous Days being hotly pursued by the Parliamentary forces under Oliver Cromwell. He travelled first north towards Wales, then south through the Cotswolds and the Mendips to the South Coast, and finally along the South Downs to Shoreham where he made his escape to France

Loyally supported by his followers, many at great risk to their own lives, he was given shelter in places both great and humble, many of which still exist today.




The Monarch's Way logo below represents the Royal Oak tree at Boscobel (in which the King famously hid with Colonel Carless); the Prince of Wales crown; and the ship 'The Surprise' on which Charles eventually escaped to France.

The logo also forms the basis of the waymarks which sign the Way throughout its historic over 625 plus mile length. The ship being used to show the direction the route follows.

The Walk

This long distance walk over 625 miles in length uses footpaths and bridleways. It closely follows the route taken by Charles and enables you to visit many historic sites and buildings, maybe only previously known to you through the history books. It also takes you through two World Heritage Sites, one National Park and six Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty plus some of the finest scenery in western and southern England.

The walk is waymarked and is shown on the latest editions of the Ordnance Survey's Landranger and Explorer maps. The route is described in detail in three books by Trevor Antill / The Monarch's Way Association, and New Copies are only available from The Monarch's Way Association. Each book is divided into sections so enabling you to pick out suitable day walks if you are not intending to follow the complete route. - More information is available on other pages. We now have for sale recently revised versions of Book's 1 & 2 & 3 .

(These are only available from the Monarch's Way Association)

'Walk a day, live a week' (Old French proverb) Good Walking !

you are visitor number

Last updated 12th April 2024  Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy of the information provided, neither the website authors or The Monarch’s Way Association will be held responsible for consequences arising from using information from this website